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Any hope of Esteria being revived?

Okay the quick time events needs to be switch with a click, the arrows,  because when I hit A it just opens the menu. 


hey is royal games are you returning to this game anytime soon?


Soon? Probably not. However, I will return to it. I want to finish my other project before coming back to this one. I do have some other content for Esteria cooked up that will be released this year, hopefully.

Christmas present?


So is this still onhold or is it abandoned 


I'm afraid it's been abandoned indeed. It's been almost a year since the last update.

(1 edit) (+6)

This is the post regarding Esteria development

Date: 02/09/22
(Note that this is not the full post)


"And for those who haven't seen it and are a little confused by my priority. Esteria is now officially on hold. It's of course not abandoned, like Innocent Play, but just on hold till I can afford to pay people to join the team! That will mean that for now, Family Faring will be my main project. However, Esteria will still receive some content every now and then. I'm still working on worldbuilding, and one of the comics coming is from Esteria. I held a vote and the majority seem to agree that Esteria should be put on hold. I would also rather put it on hold for the time being, till I can return with more talented people to give the universe a proper story and game. The story you've seen so far will of course remain."


Where did he post it? His patreon? It would make more sense to adapt the description here and notify people that development is on hold indefinitely.

(2 edits) (-1)

His other game is restricted. You have to get access to see it and play it.

Show post...

what is called


Family Faring. only available on his SubscribeStar page.

These are the links.


Could be one of the best nsfw VN game but sadly as I see the creator abandoned it.


when is the next update coming ?


Was thinking about this game recently and how much I love it. Really hope development continues one day and isn't completely given up on.



(3 edits) (+1)

Wish to leave a comment.
I'll say not only positive things, but playing this novel, I was impressed.  Despite high harem potential, disgusting kinky stuff(ugh, but I know it shall have place to be!), finally not every character can be pressed just by click or willing to you-know-what-i-mean, characters are seem almost alive, having their wishes, attitudes, beliefs, and (at least supposed) motives. A good point here is choices: although nobody of taken companions dissapoint, I really respected Lorean, admired Lea, empathized Elicia and had fun with Perrin thus far. Even character of Azran(father) seems to be understandable (or I just know his type haha) as a people of Middle Age times. Sometimes reminds of The Witcher series, a good example for inspiration for myself.
Still, some moments are REALLY HAVE TO BE more convincing.
1)Scene at beginning with the wh*re. she were so loose in words I wanted to shut her mouth even playing as diplomat. she layed down with the lord(ofc not yet), after all! I even want to say I'd like to have option to avoid that scene with her.
2)After I've come to Archelm, and King gave me task, I had many questions "why?", there's many features missing, sometimes you had only one option to answer, and event is going too quick to believe it happens. I say it about task itself. (also Manfred is cool)
3)About Manfred's demand for wedding, I'd ask it shouldn't be something senseless, because at least I needed an option to talk to his daughter first to see if we fit, before decision(but of course there its not possible I get it).  It looks as blind as obvious refuse for everyone who is able to think twice. I hate it, bcz Manfred is smart, but he said almost nothing noticeable about his daughter.
4)A bard Perrin, proposing his joining, have to promise something more convincing than that he will be grateful. he's a diplomat himself, after all.
5) in 5 chapter, fighting looks empty, we saw only one bandit who attacks and it ends. better to change something. And the moment another one appears with attack of werewolfs too.
6) And why they try to escape castle??? Thick walls and doors isnt enough for protection? And why they left gates open anyway? too much questions for having no answer in 5 chapter. I even wanted to ask why Elicia leaving, but I can hope she has reasons.

EDIT: third point were not so logical as I saw it first, so its not objection.


This is a really solid game. When is another update coming out?

Deleted 2 years ago

Great game!  Loving the art and story.  I'm going back over to see how many ways the story branches, and what women I can score with/prey upon.

Got a newb question since I've only been doing Visual Novels for less than two weeks.  I downloaded "chapter 5."  Should I go back and download 1 through 4? 

Are they their own separate stories or does Chapter 5 contain 1-4 and build on it?


No worries! Chapter 5 contains all previous chapters as well, so only chapter 5 is necessary for download!


bro this game is way better than your new one. please prioritize working on this one!

(1 edit) (+4)

2 problems with this game.  First makes it unplayable, and the second is just something that could have made it better I think.  First problem is the quick time events/actions.  It uses 'w' 'a' 's' 'd' and at least some of those such as 'a' and 's' are hot keys in Ren'Py.  For example 's' takes a screenshot.  In my first qte/a with lorcan when I try to hit 'a' it takes me to some menu, and does not complete the qte/a.  This would seem to make a game that would be very interesting 'unplayable'.  I have looked online for a solution to this but have not found it.

The second problem is just that so far the one partial sex scene was not animated, just a series of stills.  This is unfortunate, but not earth shattering.  However the first problem would seem to make playing the game useless unless you resigned yourself to failing EVERY quick time event/action.

I was able to go into the file Esteria/renpy/common/00keymap.rpy and remove part of this line       accessibility = [ "K_a" ],     I just removed the    K_a    from this and it no longer goes to the menu it did before.  From THIS line    screenshot = [ '', 'alt_K_s', 'alt_shift_K_s', 'noshift_K_s' ],    I was able to disable screenshots by removing just the   noshift_K_s    from it.  

'w' and 'd' do not seem to be causing problems.  Hard to believe someone would go to all the trouble of making a game like this without preventing this kind of a problem.  It IS a good game in spite of all that, and it is not my intention to drag the creator through the mud.  But as for the QTE issue, YOUR WELCOME.  l)J


Hope this game doesn't get pushed aside for the new game. This game is really interesting and last update ended on a pretty big cliffhanger and turning point in the story.


excellent game, looking forward to the next release. If I may ask, is there a walkthrough guide for it yet?

Well the tags incest and Monster girl interest me the most.  But NTR ? if its avoidable, then its fine.   But if its me doing the NTRing, then thats fine too. 


It's both, NTR is always avoidable and some of the NTR scenes are MC doing the NTRing

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)
Name Esteria ch.5
OVERALL RATING: 88/100 (Awesome)
General impression: 10/10
Graphic, renders: 8/10
Attractive female characters: 10/10
Interesting & realistic plot: 9 /10
Large number of decisions: 9/10
Meaningful choices, separate story lines/endings: 7 /10
MC character Building: 7/10
Relations building: 8 /10
No sandbox, no puzzles, no mini-games: 10 /10
No disgusting fetishes (like incest, futa, pegging): 10/10

Look up my VNs ranking on

Although I don't like fantasy (werewolves etc.), I love this game because it realistically presents  Middle Ages. I would also prefer that I have an option to seduce my servants and help them instead of coercing them into sex... It would be great if I could be a lord loved by all my subjects ;)

Chapter 5 has only rape scenes... Did I miss or do something wrong? I'm trying to be a good guy here...


Does this have chapters 1 through 4?

Yes, every release is simply updated versions containing all previous chapters as well as the newest public release. 


Are you going to release the game on Steam?


I'd love to be able to release the game on Steam, however, I don't think I would ever be able to. Esteria contains and will contain content that most likely is strictly prohibited on Steam, so I would either have to heavily edit the game to fit Steam's Terms of Service or just avoid Steam. At least for now, I will just avoid Steam.


I mean, with games like "Midnight Ride" available on steam ... which is a game solely based on a girl getting picked up on the side of the road and raped ... repeatedly ... with graphic representation, i don't see how Steam's terms of service should be an issue?


That's because Midnight Ride doesn't contain content like Loli. I don't think Steam would allow that on their site.


Ah, haven't gotten that far yet to know what Loli is, but we shall see. Regardless, im loving the game so far, especially how much depth was put into the world and lore through the text links :)

How to strike with the sword on android the time runs out but nothing seems to work so I can't progress in the game. Pls help

There's a bug where i'm an endless loop of catching the paper map

Sorry for the late response. I'm a little busy at the moment, but I will take a look at the bug later today. Could you tell me how to bug occurred? 

I just played through the game, but when the girl throws the map, i can't catch it with W. then the spy guy says you need to work on that and it repeats from the girl throws the map. I even tried the skip button, it didn't work

ytying to download public has virus

Should be a false alert, I'm not getting any warnings on other devices.

Download link down?

Sorry, my bad I deleted the file, so the link went down. I've replaced the link, so it should work again.

(1 edit)

sweet ty buddy  Now i can give it a go :D  

Tell more later how i liked it 


link to patreon is broke?

Yes, I recently moved platforms so I will no longer use Patreon but instead SubscribeStar. The link is in the description.

Rgr Rgr

(1 edit) (+6)

hmm, pretty good so far, i'm intrigued as to what future updates bring,

quick question though; will the stat choice at the start make any meaningful differences? like locking off certain routes and scenes based on your strengths and weaknesses. Or will you be able to balance out your stats later on.

also, i like the use of the choice wheel, makes it feel like i'm playing a visual novel version of dragon age or some telltale game


Thank you! For the stat choice, it's going to lock out certain choices and add unique choices to some choices wheels. I will attempt to make choices like that determine the way you handle situations. 

Thank you for the feedback, if you got any ideas or any additional feedback. Consider joining the official Discord, I'm a lot more active on there.


It's short but it has so much potential


Very interesting start! The scene backgrounds and graphics are very appropriate to the game setting. I'm looking forward to the next release.

(1 edit) (+3)

It may be short for now but the game is amazing. Keep up the great work! I'm loving the premise and can't wait for future updates.